Queen Mary, University of London

Multidisciplinary Research Pump Priming Awards

Multidisciplinary research pump priming awards provide small-scale funding of up to £10k, supporting the development of new multidisciplinary collaborations. Funding may be used for salaries and/or running costs for the project, including consumables or small items of equipment. Projects are typically likely to be of 1-2 month duration although longer projects can be funded if justified appropriately. Projects will normally involve partners within QMUL. Under exceptional circumstances projects involving a partner outside QMUL will be considered, but the applicants must justify why there is no appropriate partner within QMUL. For projects involving an external partner matching funding from the partner institution (or other source) is expected.

Click below to access the application form and guidance notes. Please fully read the guidance notes before filling in the application form.

Pump Priming Award Guidance Notes (WORD 54.5KB)

Pump Priming Award Application Form (WORD 129KB)
